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Welcome December

December 1, 2018

With over thirty holidays and festivals worldwide during the month of December, there is truly a celebration for everyone! The traditions of many December holidays include gift giving, tasty treats, and celebrating children. One little-known December holiday is Saint Lucia’s Day, celebrated on December 13th in many European countries.

Emma’s Winter Donkey, by Sara Bormolini, is about Emma’s desire to meet Saint Lucia when she arrives in Emma’s little village, high in the mountains of Northern Italy. When Emma discovers that Saint Lucia rides a donkey, she is more determined than ever to meet the pair. After all, Emma has never seen a real donkey before! But Daddy reminds Emma that Saint Lucia and her donkey expect to find children fast asleep, and Emma knows that he is right. Will she ever meet Saint Lucia and her donkey? Find out in Emma’s Winter Donkey, after the launch.

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